Please Contact Us
We know that nobody contacts a lawyer unless they they need help with a specific situation. So please don’t hesitate to email us by using the handy form below or call us at 917-868-1900 with any questions about how we can help you. We’ll promptly and courteously reply to all voice mail or email inquiries and even recommend attorneys in other practice areas if that’s what your situation requires.
We are located at 11 Broadway, Suite 615 New York, NY 10004. Call us at 917-868-1900 or fax us at 347-269-4470.
Please note that merely contacting the firm by phone, letter, fax or email does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send confidential information (except as necessary to complete the firm’s intake questionnaire) unless an attorney-client relationship is established by mutual agreement. Please also read the disclaimer below as it relates to contacts with the firm.
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You should not consider the content of this website to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship, which can only be established by mutual agreement between you and the firm. Accordingly, this site is not a solicitation or an offer to represent you and our firm will not have an attorney-client relationship with you and will not be obligated to treat information you send us as confidential until we enter into a written agreement to represent you.
While we aim to keep the contents of the site current, it may not reflect the latest legal developments. Applicable laws may vary in different locations and circumstances.
Some links on this website lead to other websites. These links do not mean that we sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing on these other websites.
Our offices are located in New York and we do not intend or claim to practice in any other jurisdictions. This website may constitute attorney advertising in some jurisdictions. Please be advised that prior results with respect to any matters do not guarantee a similar future outcome.